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PJ Sin Suela & Senator Jessica Ramos Join Conciencia Collective To Discuss Mental Health

New York State Senator Jessica Ramos joins Conciencia Collective alongside PJ Sin Suela & Nohemy to Discuss Mental Health Stigmas and Covid-19’s Impact on Black & Brown Communities

PJ Sin Suela, the Puerto Rican doctor turned musician, will be joined by Puerto Rican rising star Nohemy and New York State Senator Jessica Ramos for this week’s Conciencia Talk with mitù

The conversation which will be focused on mental health and how Covid-19 has disproportionately affected Black and Brown communities, will be hosted by Conciencia Collective member AJ Ramos

Conciencia Collective joined this year’s Fader Digital Fort with a PSA Highlighting our Initiative Including Latinx Stars Goyo (Chocquibtown), Becky G, Lauren Jauregui, Nio Garcia, Lennox, and Jessie Reyez, amongst others. Watch PSA here

The livestreamed dialogue airs today Friday July 31th at 4 PM PST / 7 PM EST and will be hosted on mitú’s official Facebook page and YouTube channel. Today’s discussion features Puerto Rican musician, published author and medical doctor PJ Sin Suela, who returned to his medical career this year in order to help fight COVID-19 in his hometown and up-and-coming Puerto Rican songstress, rapper and athlete Nohemy. New York State Senator Jessica Ramos will join the conversation in order to provide insight as a longtime activist and public servant who has dedicated her career to supporting Latinx initiatives in her home state. The talk will be hosted by Conciencia Collective member and Artist Relations Manager at Google / YouTube Music Latin, AJ “El Kallejero” Ramos.

Reaching an average of +80k in viewership, “CONCIENCIA TALK” has rapidly become one of the most talked about and highly regarded series in the Latinx industry featuring prominent global artists such as: Becky G, Lauren Jauregui, Zion, Ivy Queen, Kali Uchis, and Pabllo Vittar, amongst many others.

CC's FB - CC's YT -

mitu's FB - mitu's YT - 4 PM PST / 7 PM EST

ABOUT CONCIENCIA COLLECTIVE: Conciencia Collective, is an alliance against racial and social injustice comprised of +35 executives from the Latin music industry including activists, journalists, artist managers, publicists, lawyers, directors, and on-air personalities who came together in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement to create awareness about racial and social injustice with the intention to educate our colleagues, artists, and peers of influence in order to gain their advocacy. Our ongoing initiatives also focus on the many issues affecting our Latin community.


“Remaining silent TODAY and not supporting is treason!!!!! RACISM HAS TO DIE NOW!!!!! MOST WHITE AMERICANS IN GOVERNMENT AND OUTSIDE OF GOVERNMENT HAVE BEEN MISTREATING, JUDGING AND HURTING OUR BLACK BROTHERS AND US HISPANICS FOR TOO LONG!!! WE AS LATINOS HAVE TO SUPPORT OUR AFRICAN AMERICAN BROTHERS, WE CAN'T JUST STAND BY AS THERE HAVE BEEN TOO MANY DEATHS AND ABUSE OF INNOCENT PEOPLE BECAUSE OF RACISM - AT THE HANDS OF RACISTS DRESSED AS COPS!!! I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE HAVE I SEEN A COP KILL A FRIEND, WITHOUT MY FRIEND BEING ARMED OR DOING ANYTHING THAT WOULD PUT THE COP'S LIFE AT RISK. I SAW HIM KILLED LIKE THAT BECAUSE HE [THE COP] WANTED TO BECAUSE HE KNEW THERE WOULD BE NO CONSEQUENCES JUST BECAUSE HE IS A COP... IN THE PRISONS I HAVE SEEN THE RACISM AGAINST OUR AFRICAN AMERICAN BROTHERS AND AGAINST US LATINOS, I HAVE LIVED IT IN MY OWN FLESH, IF A LATINO OR A BLACK PERSON KILLS A COP THEY GIVE US LIFE IN PRISON... WE CAN'T JUST STAND BY. LET THEM GIVE LIFE IN PRISON TO THE COP WHO KILLED GEORGE FLOYD TOO!!!!! THEY SAY THAT FIRE IS NOT EXTINGUISHED BY FIRE BUT THE WORLD IS TIRED OF THE SAME ABUSE, OF INJUSTICE!!! LET JUSTICE BE DONE WITH THE DEATH OF GEORGE FLOYD!!!!!! WE CAN'T LET THEM KEEP DOING WHATEVER THEY WANT TO DO WITH US”- -Anuel "We cannot accept the repression of our African-American brothers. As Latinos, we have to represent the diversity of the human race in the world and we must provide our support. There are many injustices in the system that we must fight for, innocent people who've suffered for years only because of their skin color. We will not remain silent and will not stop until there is equality" - Farruko “White privilege exists globally and this is a global call to action. If you are non-Black it is so important that you take time to inform and educate yourself and those around you about the systemic racism not only in the United States but within our own communities; it runs deep! I am Colombian-American and I can attest to so much normalized anti-Blackness within the community just from basic phrases like ‘trabajar como un negro,’ or my Afro-Latina peers being told they are not marketable enough because of their complexion. Black people deserve MORE from us. BLACK people are the inventors of almost all genres, FASHION leans on black culture, U.S culture leans on BLACK culture, & if you love Black culture, then you should also love to defend Black lives. We are more powerful together, and we must hold our industries and communities accountable.” - Kali Uchis "It is important that we mobilize and raise our voice. We cannot normalize racism. Racism is inhumane and I will never understand it. We have to fight against systemic and institutional racism. There is a lot we need to do, Floyd, is one of many, we cannot stop fighting for justice."- Rafa Pabön “Racism limits development and social evolution, that is why as an artist I have a responsibility not to contribute to racial divisions. We are a generation of struggle that must not allow the abuse of power or retrograde ideologies that go against our human rights. I have the responsibility to be a voice of equality and equity because I want to be an image with purpose and to promote that tolerance should be the importance of everyone because equality belongs to all of us. ” -Brytiago “I can’t see people continue to suffer and I can’t bring myself to watch the full video of the police officers killing George Floyd. The world is changing and we’re waking up to the injustices, abuse of power, the politics. When it comes to artists making a statement, once you become an artist, you have to accept that you become a public figure too, that you’re someone that people look up to and that you’re an example to follow and we have to respond to injustice when we see it. We have to be a voice for the people and that’s why we have millions of followers and we should always use the platform that we are given to create positive change in today’s world. We lead by example and we have to be cautious in what we do and what we say. We should never underestimate our influence to affect change in the world. “ Nio Garcia “The death of George Floyd has impacted the world very deeply. For me being a Latin artist who has been heavily influenced by Black culture, it is important to show my support and stand in solidarity with the African American community for what is right, what is humane. No man, woman or child should have to worry about being treated unjustly just because of the color of their skin. As a younger generation, it is our responsibility to TAKE part and BE part of the change.” - Myke Towers “Being an Afro-Latino Puerto Rican, it saddens me to see people of color still suffering injustices this day and age. The Black community needs Latino voices to speak up in solidarity. We cannot sit and do nothing, we have also suffered at the hands of racism and discrimination. This past week’s protests are a display of communities all over the country, demanding change. We all share in their frustration but we must do things right. Vandalism, looting and violence are not the answer. Our communities need to come together and take action.” - ZION “This revolution is overdue. I stand strong and motivated to help Black people reclaim their power, help dismantle the systemic racism we’ve been living in for years, and make sure that this momentum lasts more than just a week - more than just a month. As a Latina, I think it’s important for me to publicly support this in hopes of inspiring others because we as people have also faced discrimination, but we still have racism within our own community, and some of us still have privilege. That privilege is covered in blood unless we help our brothers and our disenfranchised families, because many of us Latinos also carry Black blood and I feel like that’s something that we forget when it comes time to speak up. That being said, even if I was white as snow, it would still be my duty to help, though not everyone feels that way. Luckily, it’s never too late to make a change, so if you read this and you haven’t mobilized, donated, protested, I urge you to do something. If you have a racist uncle, have a conversation, if your young niece is unaware of what’s happening, explain that we are all equal no matter what color we are, if you have a troll in your comments, instead of responding with hate, have a conversation and maybe you can plant a seed of empathy that’ll later grow. Whether it's a tsunami wave or whether it’s brick by brick and person by person, change was overdue, and the time is now.” - Jessie Reyez “Black, white, brown, yellow. The color is not what matters, but the person. That’s how it is with us as a Latin culture. White, Black, Mulato, Latin, American, Russian, Colombian, Dominican, Haitian, Venezuelan, African, Spanish, etc. We are all human beings, let’s live in unity and free our communities from racism.” - LENNOX "Today we are making history. We live in times when being impartial is not an option, it is time to change, to take action, to listen to the nations, to those who have been and are discriminated against, to honor the memory of those who have died unjustly, to abolish abuse of power. It is time to recognize that there is strength in diversity, to begin to see ourselves as a single human race that we are, to practice empathy, respect and compassion, to fight and demand equality and well-being for all ”. - Jesse & Joy “The fight for equality and justice continues; it has never stopped. I stand in solidarity with the black community, and I will continue to stand beside them until there is no longer a struggle for their basic right to LIVE for their right to BREATHE.” - Paloma Mami “Equality isn’t a privilege, it’s a right. We support all who fight for a better future despite skin color, beliefs or country of origin.” - Cali y El Dandee “I’m so proud to join my colleagues in the quest to re-educate each other consciously. As an Afro-Latina, the effects of miseducation were made very clear to me from an early age. I feel we all can revolutionize the way we see each other by starting with the way we see ourselves, and for that we need to know our history.” - Leslie Grace “When a racist person sees me, they only see one thing, that I’m Black. I’m proud of being Afro-Latino, proud of my roots and my culture. I know to only judge someone by their character not by the color of their skin.” - Fuego “The importance of two minorities coming together in solidarity is immeasurable. The Latino and Black communities need to raise their voices because together, we can bring change where it is most needed. We know what it is like to be treated so unfairly. It is heartbreaking to see all this injustice and to see people dying. It is wrong! We can’t allow this to continue happening and within our own people too. The world is in a critical state and I am hoping our influence is being heard and that Latinos stand up united to do what is right.” - Justin Quiles “Since I started my professional career back in 2009, I made a pledge to myself; to use my God given platform to help inform and bring joy to people’s lives. I stand for what I believe in, and I believe in UNITY! I believe in empowering one another and bringing as much knowledge as possible to my generation and future generations. Racism isn’t born, it’s taught! I believe we can UNTEACH it, but it starts with us. We must be the example, we must show unity amongst all races, especially in our Latin community and Black community… because UNITED we stand, divided we fall. Let’s be the difference we want to see in the world.” - Chiquis "Racism is the biggest threat to humans, there is too much hatred for the slightest reason. I believe in a world without hatred, without differences due to skin color, a world where we are carried away by feelings and people stop consuming themselves with this poison as deadly as racism.” – Leslie Shaw “This message is for all my LatinX community. It is important for us to unite for necessary causes which affect us directly or indirectly. It’s for humanity, it’s for the human kind, it's because we are put here to be together, to unify. Together we are a force. Black Lives Matter.” - Dascha Polanco “Systemic racism, unfortunately not only exists in the United States, but also in my country, Mexico, all throughout Latin America and the whole world. Unfortunately, because of my light complexion, I have benefited from this systemic racism, which values lighter complexions, and this to me is absurd and unjust so I make sure to celebrate black culture in my own art. My song “Azúcar Morena” celebrates the beauty of brown skin. When I’ve performed it live, I’ve made sure to emphasize the pride that we must have in our brown skin and have demanded that Mexico and the media reflect the real complexion of our brown skin without prejudice. The change is within us, in these difficult conversations, confronting those who need to be educated and understanding that this difficult fight must be constant, necessary, and will be the determining factor for the future. I join the fight because black lives matter.” - Carla Morrison “We need more love and union in our society. That is what we have to focus on. We need to grow spiritually not only on material things. We are all brothers as all religions say and we must unite and love each other as such. Try to feel the other and help each other." - Fer Vázquez - (Rombai) “My heart goes out to everyone who has lost someone in this racial war. There is only one race, and that is the human race. Now is the time for us to come together as people and make sure voices of the unheard are finally heard.” – IR Sais "I am part of the culture. All my inspiration is due to the African American culture and I will always be firm to help the people." - J Alvarez "We are tired of racism. In Latin America, the United States and the whole world we are tired of racism. Enough is enough. We have been dancing around the problem and this great ignorance. The time has come to use our voice. This is why I am asking all the LatinX community to stand up and unite with the "Black Lives Matter" movement. Take part on social media and use your voice. Take part by being an Antiracist and let everyone know. Donate, and buy from black and afro-Latino businesses. Fight for the rights of the oppressed and demand change. Your voice is needed and we must demand justice and be a part of what we ask for. This is the generation that will change things. Be a part of the change, we are more and together we can. Let the world know #BlackLivesMatter."- PJ Sin Suela “As a Latino of African descent, I want to raise my voice as well so that there is a change now. We cannot continue with the discrimination by the system or by anyone. We are all human and deserve to be treated equally regardless of race, color, or religion and I know that together we can achieve this.” - Lary Over “In this moment, I feel it’s important as ever to acknowledge and address the deep racism that is embedded in the fabric of our social consciousness as a Latinx community. We are all very aware of the subtle and not so subtle ways in which our history of colonialism, imperialism and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade have affected the entire diaspora of South & Central America as well as the Caribbean nations. We as a people see ourselves as separate from the Black Lives Matter movement, but that very thought is enabling the erasure of our Afrolatinx brothers, sisters and siblings. They exist at the intersection of these issues and to use our voice in support of this movement is to support the very people who have bled and bred the culture we claim. Latinx culture is built on the backbone of African and Indigenous tradition, influence, sound, gusto and culture. It is beyond time we acknowledge this truth and uplift our people in this fight against those who oppress people everywhere for the color of their skin.” - Lauren Jauregui “Now is the time to do our part and grow as a Latino community and show solidarity with our African American brothers and sisters. I personally have been heavily influenced by black culture for years in the music that I make. It is very much a part of me. We are seeing change because we made our voices heard and came together, but as a society, we have a long way to go. Within our own communities we see racial injustice. I look forward to seeing that change. History is being made and we must be part of this important part.” - Tainy “If there ever was a time to unite, this is it. We, as Latinos have had our fair share of being mistreated. We share the pain and injustice with our black brothers and sisters. This is the time to rally together, but we have to do it peacefully, because doing it with violence, is what they want us to do. This is the stereotype; the profile they want to give us minorities and we must be smarter than that. We ARE smarter than that. This is a sad time for humanity. The only answer is to become one. Black, White, Latinos, Asians, Middle Eastern, etc. We are one. We cannot let one more life be taken in vain. Bottom line? There is no neutral position on racism.” - Play of Play N Skillz “Love your neighbor as you love yourself and you will see how you will be on the path towards glory.” - Maffio “Music has no color.” - Los Parras “Growing up in Atlanta, I was heavily influenced by Black culture. It’s a culture that I relate to and that I love. I support Black Lives Matter because they are treated the worst. They are the most oppressed people in the world. Hopefully one day we will see progress.” - Kap G “Dear non-supporter of Black Lives Matter and/or supporter of ‘All Lives Matter’ this is for you! You are NOT GETTING IT! Black Lives Matter is a global movement that brings light to RACIAL injustice and demands systematic change to keep it from happening to all of us. If you still don’t get it let me give you an example: NY governor pushes to pass ‘Amy Cooper’ bill making it a hate crime to call 911 with a false accusation based on RACE!! Did you notice that the last word of that message was race and not Black?? That systematic change that protects ALL OF US is happening because of Black Lives Matter. If you still don’t get it it’s because you’re flat out racist and if that’s the case do your research because we have all benefited from Black culture whether you love music, food, sports, space, technology, medicine, etc. The impact Black lives have had in all of these fields and beyond is undeniable. Cualquier Latino o ser humano que no apoye este movimiento está apoyando (quizás sin saberlo) a un sistema que actualmente mantiene su rodilla encima del cuello de personas de color. Este movimiento tiene la atención del mundo y las masas pueden más que el gobierno. No disperses la presión cuando el cambio nos beneficia a todos!” - JeanCarlos Canela “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you are part of the problem.” - Guaynaa My black brothers have all my support and I hope that together we can put an end to racism. We all have to do our part. I can’t wait for the day to come when you are no longer persecuted, judged or murdered for the color of your skin, which I may add is beautiful. We Latinos stand with you!!!! - Sharlene “As a Latino of African descent through our ancestors, I join and give my support to the African-American community, a race that enjoys our respect because its roots have become part of our culture; musically, personally and socially. It is no secret to anyone that mainly Dominicans are influenced by African American culture, for example Hip Hop, Pop, Jazz, Funk etc...their fashions, their slang, among other things have influenced our Latin culture, we mixed our culture with their culture and vice versa! Every Dominican who lives in New York or in another state in the United States, feels an appreciation, affection and respect for the African American community, that's why I join the solidarity and protests campaign, since a protest is a call to non-racism and equality! Love and peace.” - Bulova ♛ "Salt Cathedral stands with Black Lives Matter. Now is a time for us to amplify Black voices and use our platform to educate each other and demand change from society and government in the United States. As Latinxs, we probably all feel that these injustices happen as well at home and all over Latin America and have forever, but, right at this moment and in this place, it is important we give the space, attention and support to the Black community. It is important we talk about Black history, about their experience in America, about the systemic oppression they have endured even past the Civil Rights movement: mass incarceration, police brutality, poor access to healthcare, education and housing opportunities. To stand with BLM as latinxs is to acknowledge the pain of the Black person/experience in America and join their fight for justice. Once this fight is won, it will pave a way for a more just society for all minorities, including Latinx - for now, let's unite to listen, learn and amplify." - Salt Cathedral "I dream of a world where no one judges you by your skin color, where love and values prevail. As Latinx, Puerto Rican, and grandson of my grandparents, I am the product of a racial mix where love persevered. It is my duty to share this message of love with the world and openly support just causes.” — Rauw Alejandro “We want to express our complete and utter solidarity with the African-American, Afro-Latino, and Afro-Indigenous communities under the cause of #BlackLivesMatter #LaVidasNegrasImportan. We hope that all LatinX artists show solidarity to this cause for the simple fact that most of the music we play and what identifies us as Latinos, is in fact a culture and identity created by the African diaspora in the Americas and the Caribbean. We believe this is overdue and we recognize racism and White privilege in all levels of our society, the Latin Music industry, and the Latin entertainment industry. We send this message to all with Strength and Love.” - La Santa Cecilia “For those who don't know, African American culture has given us a lot as VICE MENTA. We had the opportunity to spend a good time of our career in Atlanta and we spent a lot of time around the culture and its people who always welcomed us with open arms. We are very sad to see what is happening right now. We want to live in a world with equality and justice for everyone. It does not matter the color of your skin, the language you speak, or the country in which you were born. It is time to unite, raise our voices and demand justice.” - Vice Menta “Growing up in Atlanta, I was surrounded by a culture with a gruesome history, and with a lot of oppression against black communities. Yet since I was little, I’ve always gravitated towards black culture. I wish the whole world could share the innocence of seeing every human being as a unique expression of the same source. We can’t possibly expect the world to become a better place without addressing the most important issue of today. Black culture, black lives, not only matter but are needed, loved and essential to the world we live in today, tomorrow and always. I would not be who I am today without black culture and inspiration.” - ¿Téo? “It is our responsibility as Latino artists to denounce racism in Puerto Rico and throughout the world. As Puerto Ricans, being a mixture of cultures that includes the black, we must work together for the evolution of our society. For a society where the skin color doesn’t carry advantage or oppression. It is not enough not to be racist, we must be anti-racist and promote respect to one another.” - Los Rivera Destino "My absolute solidarity is with the black community at this time and forevermore. It is of utmost importance to educate ourselves, listen and keep raising our voices against racial injustices and police brutality." - Gaby Moreno “BLACK LIVES MATTER. The racial injustices and systemic racism that have been imbedded into the threads of America has gone on for far too long. As Latinx, It is my duty to help project Black voices and spread awareness on a system that has failed Black people in America. George Floyd's death was the breaking point for people all over the world and the more we fight for justice the more we realize that racism is the real pandemic in America. We have a moral responsibility to uphold our government to a standard that is fair for everyone. I stand in solidarity with all those that have lost their lives at the hands of those that swore to protect us. All lives don’t matter till Black Lives Matter.” - Katzù Oso “I am Nobeat. I am Latino. My music is influenced by R&B and afro rhythms. We need to value all black lives as much as we do black culture. I will amplify the black voices now and moving forward.” –Nobeat “Hello I’m Noreh and this month we want to recognize all the efforts made to respect diversity worldwide. Nowadays we need a passport , a Visa to move from one side to another, but what we don’t need is a Visa to understand others and to love someone.” - Noreh “On June 2nd, my career as an artist turned 64 years old. I didn't celebrate. I didn't feel like it. A white man killed Floyd. My ancestors were also black from Africa. Helplessness kills me. We'll celebrate!” - Johnny Ventura "Without Black artists we wouldn’t have so much of the music that we love. Not enough credit has been given to Black artists who have pioneered new genres and have been a source for inspiration for so many artists today. Please consider helping the Black Lives Matter movement." - Luna Luna “Many times within my own community I’ve experienced racism towards it’s black members. Non-black Latinos often think we experience racism to the same degree as the black community because we grew up with them or because we are both minorities. Many of us feel entitled to aspects of the black community such as using the n word or appropriating black culture in our daily lives or in music. This is incredibly inappropriate and prejudicial due to the fact that our ancestry does not stem from the enslavement of millions of Africans. It’s problematic to use the pain and suffering that the black community has experienced and continues to experience for our own personal gain. As a light skin Latina, I acknowledge that this is something we have to work on. I ask you to ask yourselves if you’ve done any of these things or perhaps you’ve let a family member or friend act this sort of way. Let’s work on educating ourselves and others around us in order to protect our communities. We must do better for our black brothers and sisters.” - Kablito “I'm from the Dominican Republic, a complicated island when it comes to its own relationship with race. Like many colonized countries, proximity to 'whiteness is broadly sought after. We like to talk about our great grand-father who was Spanish with blue eyes and deny the existence of our rich African and Indigenous heritage. We hear things like: "Uff, ella tienepelo malo" (she has bad hair) when talking about black hair vs "Pelo Bueno" or good hair when referring to straight hair, which is allegedly the epitome of beauty. The constant " get out of the sun" so you don't get dark has had so many Dominicans straight tripping by bathing our in crystal clear beaches wearing t-shirts as shields from, God forbid, getting more color. And the classic and nefarious "Mejora la raza" which dictates that in order to better your lineage, one must marry a lighter skinned beau. And there's the anti-Haitian aka anti-black rhetoric that has plagued the island for hundreds of years now. Haitians have been very conveniently demonized because of historic events (invasion and wars that date back to 1822) and now because of immigration, but it's all code. There is a hatred for their unapologetic blackness. There is hatred because it mirrors the blackness we try to deny ourselves. As latinx peoples, it's our duty to support and fight for the Black Lives Matter movement. It is also our duty to dismantle the white supremacy that has been taught to us and eradicate its practices and words from our daily lives. We CAN and MUST to better for future generations.“ - Jarina de Marco [She’s] BLACK, but decent [She’s] BLACK, but good people [She’s] BLACK, but educated [She’s] BLACK, but she has a white soul [She’s] BLACK, but to get out [She’s] BLACK, if you don't do it on the way in, you do it on the way out [She’s] BLACK, does she have bad hair or good hair? [She’s] BLACK, does she have good features or crass features? [She’s] BLACK, that's a Black thing you did. [She’s] BLACK, you had to be black. ...and with all the honor. - Aymée Nuviola “As a non-Black Latina, it is important for me to address the racism that exists within our own community. We must stand together against our oppressors, and unite not only because of a common enemy, but for the love of other human beings. We must fight to protect all Black lives and uplift the Black voices that often go unheard. As non-Black people we have some level of privilege and we need to use it to bring attention to issues of police brutality and inequality within this country, and globally. Many of us come from immigrant families who came to this country in pursuit of a better life, and many of us have obtained it. Now we must fight for others to have the opportunity to have a better life as well. All lives can’t matter until black lives matter.” - Tatiana Hazel "I embrace with all my heart my brothers and sisters of color; the systemic racism that is oppressive to them, and the global unconsciousness regarding the value of their lives, have shown the world the most shameful face of humanity. North American society has brought to light a reality that is not even perceived as a problem in our Latin countries; however, statistics show that the situation is much worse. I commit to open this debate onto all my social and work environments and I commit to evolve from a promoter of equality to an active advocate of Anti-Racism! Black Lives Matter!" - Georgel “I am a female latina in the music industry and I stand with Black Lives Matter. It is our job as the new generation to raise our voices. There is no way in hell the world is going to change if we keep shutting down and following the path that clearly never led to anything good. Dividing or feeling that we can be more or better than someone is not useful. We as Latinos should stand tall for our african american brothers and sisters. We are tiny ants in this universe but on this planet we are all a big family and you never give up on family. You are what you decide to do everyday. Choose love. Look in someone's eyes and go deep. God is there. Is in all of us. And we have to honor that. Change must come now.” - Elena Rose “As a brown woman, I stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter to support their struggle for the defunding of police, the reimagination of the criminal justice system, the dismantling of white supremacy, the reinvestment into social services, and towards economic justice. As post-colonial subjects, non-black Latinx are deeply colorist and anti-black and we must do the educational and direct-action work to move our families and communities definitively to a stance of anti-racism. As artists working within Afro-latinx and Afro-diasporic art forms, we must interrogate our own exploitation of Black culture and be agents in holding ourselves, and our industry, responsible for promoting and supporting Black artists, first. Black Lives Matter, and it is our duty as individuals with white-proximate privilege, and an audience, to continue to hold the Black experience and narrative at the center of this movement as we work towards full abolition of the violent, racist, and increasingly fascist police state.” - La Doña “The Latin community needs to support the Black community because we live in the same neighborhood, we part of the same struggle and have the same oppressor in common together we are stronger.” - Los Rakas “We owe our music, our dance, and a large part of our Latin Caribbean identity to the beauty of African culture. We are eternally grateful for everything we have learned from our Afro-Caribbean brothers and sisters; therefore, we stand up in solidarity with them against any prejudice and systematic racism. Love and music cure racism according to Bob Marley. Let the music that unifies us continue. We stand up with our brothers and sisters to fight for equality.” – Domino Saints “What’s more painful? Giving birth to a black baby or a white baby? What’s more difficult? Teaching a black infant how to speak or teaching a white infant? What’s more expensive? Educating a black person or a white person? Who’s more talented? A black person or a white person? Who gets better service at public places? A black person or a white person? Who’s more concerned when their kids are not at home? A black mother or a white mother? Who’s more afraid to walk in the streets? A black person or a white person? Who has more probability of getting shot by a police officer in an altercation? A black person or a white person? So, are human beings born racist or made racist? Be the change you want to see in the world. Treat everybody how you want your kids to be treated. Life is a boomerang.”- Melymel “It's time people stood up and said what they had to say. But it's important that we educate ourselves first. If we want change, we cannot fight ignorance with more ignorance”. - St. Pedro “Racism is an unnatural discriminatory aberration. It is born from abuse of power with the intention to exploit other human beings. In the world we all want, there is no place for such a social construct and in order to eradicate it, it’s our responsibility to be aware of every act that promotes it, however insignificant it may seem, and to correct it.” - Fofé (Circo) “We must reflect, educate , unite & create solutions for the systemic racism that has existed in our country , and around the world for centuries. We cannot be neutral to these injustices, and we must support our black brothers and sisters! As Latinos we also face discrimination, and our communities have issues of racism and colorism that we must address, both as individuals , and as a community! We ALL must do something to make a change NOW! Whether you donate, sign petitions, talk to your family & friends about these issues , educate yourself or/and someone that might not know the facts, support the cause on social media or in the streets, & don't underestimate the power of planting a seed in someone else’s heart & mind. We see you , we hear you and we are with you ! Together we are stronger!” - Victoria La Mala “We are going through such difficult times. I am a very happy person and seeing so much uncertainty, it makes me think about the future and how I can use my platform to make an impact not only in music, but against discrimination. Discrimination against disability, sexual orientation, religion, race, culture. Use your voice to say NO to racism and NO to the oppression of our brothers and sisters of color. Let's educate ourselves as Latinos, let's combat racism among Latinos. We need a change ". - Nohemy “Staying silent is part of the problem. As Latinos growing up in White neighborhoods in Orlando, FL I remember that feeling of being looked at differently when we walked into a store. We can only imagine how it feels for an African-American person living in today’s society especially in an amplified and delicate situation. It sounds cliché but we wish we were all color blind for a minute just so we can connect through heart and souls and not just through the color of the skin. We would not be where we are today if it wasn’t for Black music and Black culture. We fell in LOVE with music because of R&B, because of Hip-Hop & because of Soul music. We feed our family thanks to their influence and inspiration Black culture has given us. We stand together with my brothers and sisters as one and fight for equality and justice.“ - COASTCITY “Racism is a universal disease. If you claim that you see everyone as equals please think about what you consider the as “equal”. We only know someone as “equal” when they look and act like us and we are not tolerant to understand and validate diversity. We can’t neglect or white wash other cultures because we haven’t taken the time to open room for them in our spaces of privilege. In Colombia 32% of political leaders that stand for black and indigenous rights are killed every year. My country has suffered from violence for too many years and we don’t realize how we continue to propagate it daily with our lack of awareness on this issue. Slavery is still a reality, just rebranded. Capitalism praises itself on providing freedom through private property but we don’t realize that it started by CONSIDERING OTHER HUMANS AS PROPERTY. US and European corporations are draining Colombia's natural resources and leaving many communities that live in rural areas deeply affected. Environmental racism is killing our fellow humans and it’s killing our planet! And we’ve been passive about it. We’ve spent our time inerte to hate, consumerism and destruction. We must wake up.” - LoyalLobos (Andrea Silva) “I write love songs, love songs are not enough. I think 2020 is showing us the vision we all needed to see. The systematic racism this country was built on has all of us racing for "success" or more so survival that we've become numb to the atrocities in front of us. Black people should NOT be continually dying at the hands of police. This is the issue at hand right now. This is what Black Lives Matter is fighting for and it seems a no brainer to believe this but so many are privileged to not be targeted by the police, non-black POC and whites, that we haven’t seen this as ALL our issue. Racism is a blind spot in the working-class people’s way towards actual freedom. Freedom to be happy, to have a living wage, food, shelter. We don't deserve "freedom" until we ALL have it. I stand with Black Lives Matter and believe in defunding the police and distributing that money to our most vulnerable communities.” – Irene Diaz “I grew up in a country that taught me from the very beginning that if you had lighter skin you were somehow better. I heard it in conversations people had about bettering your race by being with someone lighter for example. By not only being disrespectful to anyone with indigenous features but basically not acknowledging their presence in a shared space. By making them invisible. The commercials on TV told me that the good people were always white. The TV shows promoted this as well and unfortunately the reality of Mexico is that if you have lighter skin you are more likely to get a better job and a better education. The darker your skin is, the most likely it is that you will not be able to finish school, that you might not go on to get a higher education, that you might not get a good paying job. Afromexicans weren’t even in our census until recently!” - Ceci Bastida “The day we realize we are only in this world for a short time is when we’ll begin to lead by example. By leaving a smile, a hug, a word of encouragement, or a beautiful memory in someone's memory, we will have changed the world. It is time to open our eyes and destroy our prejudices, which are not ours from birth but rather forced upon us by our families and cultures. A skin color does not make you different. We are humans living on the same planet, blood runs through all our veins, and we are all hungry for freedom and equality. Hopefully one day we understand that loving our neighbor is also loving ourselves and life.” - William Garza “Musicians often grow up in a context where racism, although present, is much more subtle: we play with black people, we go to their concerts and listen to music that condemns racism. Yet racism is still there: In Latin America, how many non-white musicians have crossed over to mainstream in the past 20 years?” - Ulises Hadjis “I wear the color Black on my skin with pride because it represents the lives of those who died and were tortured in order to help build this nation.” - Lito MC Cassidy “In the US we are living unprecedented times, police brutality and discrimination are at an all time high.  We can no longer let systemic Racism and violence be an obstacle against our black brothers and sisters.  We will unite as one in order to fight this problem. We are just at the beginning of something revolutionary and historic, because for the first time ever in history all 50 states and over 18 countries have organized protests against police brutality and racism. We want change and reform from our government now. We stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter and will continue to fight, educate and learn more. Eso!”  - Suenatron  "As an Afro Latina, I have experienced racism in both stateside and Latin contexts. The causes are the same and I chose to fight them across cultural barriers in the same way; with my music. Music allows me to bypass a person’s prejudices and reach them in a deeply emotional and empathic way. Experiencing people’s positive reaction to this gives me the strength and the courage to continue. It’s important that all Latinos support this movement since this will benefit both the African American and the Latin community. Tu lucha es mi lucha! Basta ya con el racismo!” - Mireya Ramos (Flor de Toloache) “I never have understood the need for people to feel superior to others; as a woman with indigenous background living in Mexico, I’ve seen first hand how my color of my skin and facial traits affects the perception of others towards my music and myself. Executives have even dared to say “ my physical appearance doesn't match my music”. Today, I’m aware more than ever that it is my responsibility to change the dialogue of indigenous and afro-descendants role in society. As a society have to DEMAND change from our governments to give equal opportunities to minorities, we have to DEMAND the government and ourselves to stop using the same rhetoric against minorities to keep us in a system that was never designed for us. Today, I fully support the BLM movement, as well as all the Latinx and POCs in our demand for respect, solidarity, the dismantlement of this systematic racism and freedom for all". - Flor Amargo “Empathy, acceptance and education are key to fight the selective blindness that still keeps systemic racism alive in Latin America. Hopefully this awakening allows us to change our present & future, because ‘those who ignore their history are doomed to repeat it’.” - Ali Stone "I’m afraid. I remain quiet out of fear of being deported. My African American brother that is born in this country has been mistreated and discriminated against, and now he is going to the streets to say enough is enough and that his life is worth as much as anyone’s. Raise your voice brother so that it can be heard loudly and so that it travels far. In your fight you also carry my struggle, and in your strong call you also give me a voice. I admire you, I respect you, and I honor you. " - Alan y Roberto “Joshua 1:9 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Now is a time where we must all come together to show our support for George Floyd, Breanna Taylor, and the ENTIRE Black Community. The injustices in the world are heart-breaking, tiring, and show us how much we have to improve as one human race. There is no need nor room for racism in our lives. We must educate ourselves and everyone around us, and hold them accountable for any mistakes. I commit to standing alongside in that fight against injustice.” - Sergio Jr. "When I saw the news and was aware about how George Floyd was killed, I felt personally wounded and anguished. I am against all forms of power abuse. I prefer dialogue, respect, diversity, kindness, love and inclusion. That´s why I am a feminist and thats why I am with the black community of the world.” - Sol Escobar "We’re going through crazy times right now but it took these unfortunate events to bring us closer together & for some to realize Black Lives Do Matter & always have. Please go vote for every office, not just president because that’s where change begins!" - DJ Paul K.O.M. (Three 6 Mafia) "Be it flamenco, cumbia, salsa, samba, or many of the other styles that The Rumba Madre plays, we wouldn’t be able to do so had it not been for the gypsies, indigenous people, and African slaves who shaped all these genres. Therefore, we must not only pay tribute to and be mindful of our common histories but actively fight racism and anti-blackness as it is an attack on the very core of who we are." - David Vila (The Rumba Madre) “As a lifelong proud Latinx singer, composer, & visual artist, I want to join Conciencia Collective in supporting our sisters & brothers in the Black Lives Matter familia. Too long we have been silent or turned the other way as our African American & Afro-Latinx compadres have endured abuse, neglect, disregard & outright racism. I look forward to a brighter tomorrow for all humanity & believe that as artists it is our duty to stand for compassion & harmony.” - Davíd Garza “We are aware that the times in which we are living are not the best for humanity. There are political wars, family wars, racial wars, but it is in the heart of each one of us where we must begin to do an internal cleansing to reach universal peace. Let's shout to the world that we are united in this war against racism " - Oplus - Osmar Escobar. “As a Latino, I am providing all my support to the African American community and the #BlackLivesMatter movement, like our brothers and sisters, have been victims of police brutality and racism and now is the time to show our support, make reform and make a change in the entire community. I hope that you, like me, can also be a part of this movement and support.” -Xtassy "We live in a time where unfortunately racism continues to be a problem in the world, but we are also living in a time where we're not silent anymore and so, we raise our voices and take actions to demand justice. It all begins with us, in our environment, in our families, let's educate the younger generations to live without judgement. I'm committed to making a difference and being part of the positive change." - Tita "It is clear that we all experience some type of suffering throughout our lives regardless of our skin color, social status, religion, etc. it is part of the human experience. What is inconceivable, and is our illness as a species, is insisting on separating ourselves and self-destructing; it surely has something to do with our deepest desires such as ambition, power and our survival instincts. Hopefully this time of reflection will bring change to the system’s structure and not become stagnant due to confrontations that only lead to more hate and segmentation." - Walter Monterroso (Member / Producer of Easy Easy) “As a White Jewish Latino male it is my duty to first listen, consequently learn, then evolve and finally support this movement. It is not enough to simply believe you are not racist. We must look inward. Ignorance about institutional racism is a monumental problem that must be addressed.” - Sebastian Krys “REAL CHANGE STARTS BY ACCEPTING THAT OUR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT BLACK HISTORY, OUR LACK OF INTEREST, AND OUR PASSIVITY DIRECTLY CONTRIBUTE TO THE SYSTEMIC RACISM THAT IS DEEPLY HURTING THE BLACK COMMUNITY. IT IS URGENT TO UNLEARN WHAT IS EMBEDDED IN US.” - Ximena Muñoz “For too long the voices of people of color have been stifled. Too many lives have been devastated and too many excuses have been made. No longer can this be the case. We must listen and we must take action to rectify this. The pigment of one's skin should not be a reason to justify injustice. This system is broken but with love and unity we can fix it. Together we can and will fight back. We stand with you. Black Lives Matter.”- Alvaro Rodriguez from TEN TOWNS “1 Peter 4:10 “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others....” Our BREATH is a gift that no man can give. It is time we use ours to see justice and reform on behalf of those who have had theirs senselessly taken from them. We must be broken that this injustice has been tolerated for centuries, and we must not grow weary in finding viable solutions. An end must be seen. There is no chance or hope of righting the wrongs against the people who have had their lives taken from them, nor their families. But at the very least we can stand together for change. We must.” -Troy Scott from TEN TOWNS "Discrimination against people of color has been around the US and Latin America for hundreds of years and is still a problem today. Changing this is in our hands. It is not enough not to discriminate against others, we have a responsibility to speak about it, inform us, educate others and demand equal treatment of everyone." - ALEO

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